Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Sell Your Ideas Online For Big Profits

Great ideas need funding to make it come true. You might have an idea for a product to replace oil but it will stay as just an idea as you have no funding to make a prototype. But there are other ways to earn money with your idea, just sell it to others!

If you think you have a great idea that you want to sell, here's how you can do it:

#1 - Check at the Patent office and see if your own idea is the same or similar to an existing idea that has already been patented by someone else.

#2 - Then write down your idea and try to describe it as best you could. Then get your documents notarized and dated.

#3 - Then now you can patent your idea at the Patent office. It will protect the expression of your idea, making it hard to steal.

#4 - Start promoting your ideas through online networking first. You should not simply put your ideas anywhere because it can be stolen by people in another country. Your idea is only protected in places that participate in PCT patenting.

#5 - Use social networking to look for potential buyers or contacts that might know other people that will be interested in your idea.

#6 - Visit websites that might be able to utilize your idea and send them a formal email to them explain some details of your idea and leave them your contact information.

#7 - Have people bid for your idea rather than taking up the first offer that is presented to you. You should try to negotiate with different parties so you can pick the best offer.

#8 - When a contract is presented to you, do not sign it immediately. It is better to get a lawyer's help to get a full understanding the content of the contract.

The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Super Internet Marketer 2.0 - Product Launching Sequence

In this article we are taking about the "7 Steps to Launch a Product" that John Ryes shared with the world. If you are wondering who is John Ryes is, he is the first man worldwide to make 1 Million dollars online in one day!

The idea behind the "Launching Sequence" is based on the nature of the human psychology. Humans by nature are resistant to sudden emotional stimulation. That is the reason why if you run into someone in the street for the first time and you asked him to buy your product, you will get rejected. This is not something personal against you; it is the human nature in protecting itself from the unknown. For the person you are selling to, this is the first time to see you or ever hear of your product, how do you expect him to trust you or buy your product?

This simple understanding of human psychology was the basis for John Ryes' Product Launching Sequence. He managed to come up with 7 steps that make your customer come to you asking for your product instead of going to them. However, before you start implementing your product launching sequence, you need to check that you are on the right track; here is what you should have before you start:

1. An identification of who your targeted customers are, and where you can find them online.

2. A web design that would attract your targeted customers.

3. Well designed landing pages.

4. A bulletproof product presentation that provides the customer with very high value information through your content that would get your customer hooked and make him subscribe to your mailing list.

5. A good relationship with the members of your mailing list who are getting a high quality content that is actually useful to them.

Once you check out all the previous points from your list you will have a good mailing list ready and you are ready for your first step in your product launching sequence.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 1: Identify Your Customer's Problems for them:

Start approaching your customers with a friendly approach; you have studied your customers, this means that you are so close to knowing the problems they might be struggling with. A great approach would be to address these problems for them. Send out an e-mail that speaks out of the most common and stressing problem your customers face and provide them with practical, result proven solutions for free. This is a great approach to initiate the awareness among your customers that they need your product.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 2: Extend a Helping Hand:

Involve your prospect customers in your process. Tell them that you are about to come up with a product that would help make their life easier. This is how you get your audience interest, but if you are looking for an interactive audience, ask them to share with you what they need and how you can help them.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 3: Introduce Your Product:

The next step would be to introduce your product. You have proven your creditability through the first step. Then you have set your customer's mindset on the right track by letting them know that you are there to help them with what they need. Now you get to tell your customers that you have a product that would solve their problems, and prove it to them through numbers, statistics, facts, and testimonials.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 4: Keep Your Customers Updated:

You need to keep the theme of your product launching sequence, since you have already decided to take the interactive pattern, do not make your audience to get under the impression that you have abused them. If they are part of this product launch, they should stay in it from "Hello" to "Goodbye". Keep them posted on the latest news of the product launch. Ask for their feedback, show your appreciation and that you are taking it in consideration.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 5: Introduce the Product Launch Event:

This is a sequel to step 4, where you inform your customers that the product has been developed and is now ready. Then you invite them to the product launch by stating the date of the product launch event. You spice the product launch event by numbering the privileges and the gifts that would be offered to the attendees and the first buyers.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 6: Before a Product Launch, Make a New List:

Now that the product has been launched, it is time to know your true customers. E-mail your prospects informing them that the product launch has been a success, and that the product is now available to anyone who is in need. Then you ask the readers to join a new landing page for more details on how to purchase the product and how to pay for it.

Product Launching Sequence: Step No. 7: After the Product Launch:

Here you have an online outlet for your product. You create a landing page for those who are interested in buying your products. However, make sure that this landing page is not overloaded with details.

The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches

Selling is an art form that has been evolving over time. Successful entrepreneurs have devised all forms of communication methods to reach their clientele with intent to entice them into buying. It is even rumored that most commercial ads include subliminal messages that auto-suggest viewers and/or listeners to buy products that may or may not even be of use to them. Some of the methods used by regular retailers include periodic sales events, huge occasional discounts and opening day events. On the Internet, sellers have their new product lunches and they use it effectively to persuade their customers to buy. Auto-responders can be used to enhance the performance of product lunches by using it to build lasting relationships, interest and excitement with your client list.

Assuming that you have already set up your auto-responder and populated it with clients who signed up voluntarily, your next order of business will be to build a relationship with members of your list. One way to do this will be to create a periodic newsletter that provides free information related to the kind of business you are in and how it can benefit your clients. You can gain the trust of your list by using this passive method while building up your reputation as an expert in your field. When you eventually make recommendations about products, members on your list will either be interested or not. You can use auto-responders to send such a newsletter to multiple readers at once. Make sure your newsletters contain a sidebar that mentions your newest product lunch date with a brief overview of its functions and capabilities.

If let's say you are in the weight loss business and you are about to lunch an eBook or video series about a newly discovered super berry that enhances metabolic rate while supplying all your daily vitamin and mineral requirements; you can choose to let your clients have a glimpse of the powers of this new magic berry by giving them a snap shot of a few chapters from your ebook. Letting them know that they are the first set of people to get a preview of your eBook because of their privileged position as your subscribers is likely to be a very good ego booster. Try to remind them about your lunch date at least once a week in your newsletters. The objective is to raise their level of interest and curiosity.

Close to lunch date you can add a subscribe form to your news letter for those who want to be among the first to get a hold of the new ebook. Those who do subscribe to this list are most likely guaranteed to buy your new product, providing you with a targeted list. Just before lunch date you can offer a pre-release copy of your eBook to your most recent subscribers at a specially discounted price.

From the above it seems that auto-responders can be used to test a segment of the market that you already know. If you have succeeded in selling to your list and did not have any returns after your sixty day guarantee, then you can be reassured that your product is a winner. Try not to forget the part played by your auto-responder.

The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   What Is Kajabi?   

Russian Girls

Why are Russian girls so beautiful? Historians estimate that over 25 million Russian people were killed during WWII, the majority of which were men. That was almost 20% of the Russian speaking population at the time and over 40% of the males in the population were killed or maimed. Almost every Russian family was affected either by death or debilitating injuries as a result of this war.

Let's look at the Russian men who survived WWII. Natural selection would dictate that the survivors were generally more athletic, stronger, and more adaptable to whatever situation might have occurred during the war. They could figure out how to survive. They survived famine, they survived watching their mates die right next to them, and they survived constant attacks and battle. Needless to say, when they returned to their own lives after the end of the war, life in Russia and the Soviet Union was never the same.

This lack of men of procreating age caused an imbalance in the number of girls compared to men in this part of the world. The result has seen girls in this part of the world almost in a hurry to find a good partner and caretaker for themselves and their offspring. Of course, better looking men, smarter men, more adaptable men, and even funnier men were more often than not chosen by girls in this part of the world as partner, husbands, and fathers by Russian girls. This situation has moved toward correcting itself over the past 65 years, but what we have as a result is a plethora of good looking or even gorgeous Russian girls.

The fall of the Iron Curtain led to the exposure of the plethora of beautiful women in the FSR countries. This opened western men's eyes to what is possible and what is available for them by choosing Russian girls. 15 years ago, it was rare, but thought of as cool to find an Eastern European bride, but now, it is almost a billion dollar industry.

In May of 2009, I moved to Odessa, Ukraine. Having unsuccessfully spent thousands of dollars myself prior to arriving in Ukraine, I feel like I can both relate to the western man trying to find a Russian or Ukrainian bride as well as relating to the people from Russia and Ukraine. I've worked in Ukraine for more than three and a half years, and I even tried to avoid English speaking people over that time in order to better understand the thought process and mentality of Russian speaking people.

I feel that understanding how the current situation was originally created, and understanding why girls from this part of the world have the attitude and heavier patterns that they do can go a long way in helping western men who would like to have a long term, healthy relationship with a Russian speaking girl. This knowledge can help a western man to deal with the vast differences in culture and thinking.

Russian Girls   

Russian Girls

Why are Russian girls so beautiful? Historians estimate that over 25 million Russian people were killed during WWII, the majority of which were men. That was almost 20% of the Russian speaking population at the time and over 40% of the males in the population were killed or maimed. Almost every Russian family was affected either by death or debilitating injuries as a result of this war.

Let's look at the Russian men who survived WWII. Natural selection would dictate that the survivors were generally more athletic, stronger, and more adaptable to whatever situation might have occurred during the war. They could figure out how to survive. They survived famine, they survived watching their mates die right next to them, and they survived constant attacks and battle. Needless to say, when they returned to their own lives after the end of the war, life in Russia and the Soviet Union was never the same.

This lack of men of procreating age caused an imbalance in the number of girls compared to men in this part of the world. The result has seen girls in this part of the world almost in a hurry to find a good partner and caretaker for themselves and their offspring. Of course, better looking men, smarter men, more adaptable men, and even funnier men were more often than not chosen by girls in this part of the world as partner, husbands, and fathers by Russian girls. This situation has moved toward correcting itself over the past 65 years, but what we have as a result is a plethora of good looking or even gorgeous Russian girls.

The fall of the Iron Curtain led to the exposure of the plethora of beautiful women in the FSR countries. This opened western men's eyes to what is possible and what is available for them by choosing Russian girls. 15 years ago, it was rare, but thought of as cool to find an Eastern European bride, but now, it is almost a billion dollar industry.

In May of 2009, I moved to Odessa, Ukraine. Having unsuccessfully spent thousands of dollars myself prior to arriving in Ukraine, I feel like I can both relate to the western man trying to find a Russian or Ukrainian bride as well as relating to the people from Russia and Ukraine. I've worked in Ukraine for more than three and a half years, and I even tried to avoid English speaking people over that time in order to better understand the thought process and mentality of Russian speaking people.

I feel that understanding how the current situation was originally created, and understanding why girls from this part of the world have the attitude and heavier patterns that they do can go a long way in helping western men who would like to have a long term, healthy relationship with a Russian speaking girl. This knowledge can help a western man to deal with the vast differences in culture and thinking.

Russian Girls   

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